It is almost impossible to imagine life today without electricity. Almost every appliance we rely on daily uses electricity. Electrical safety should be a huge concern when running these appliances. A lot can go wrong with electricity including electrical shock, staring fires or damaging the appliances. Here are a couple of electrical safety tips you should always keep in mind while using home appliances:
Unplug small appliances
You should always unplug small appliances like electric irons, kettles, toasters, shavers and hair dryers when not in use. These appliances can cause serious injuries and accidents when left plugged in. If you have children or pets in the house, they could end up seriously hurt. With the kind of power that these appliances use it is always safer to unplug them from the power outlet rather than just switching them off.
Always use appliances according to manufacturer instructions
All appliances come with a manual or guide containing manufacturer instructions on how to use them. These guides are developed from a series of tests and evaluations done of the appliance by the manufacturer before distribution. It is advisable to adhere to these guidelines just to be safe. Failing to follow manufacturer instructions can cause overheating or failure of the appliance leading to fires or electrical shock.
Electricity and water do not mix
Never plug in, switch on or use your appliances with wet hands. Water and electricity do not mix. Keep your appliances away from the sink or water. In case your appliance falls into some water, do not reach for it before making sure it is unplugged from the power outlet, not just switched off but completely unplugged. Water conducts electricity and you could get electrocuted just by touching the water.
Always keep your appliance cords as short as possible
You want to avoid tripping over appliance cords or damaging them. Keep the appliance cord very short to avoid any damages.
Take any damaged appliances for repairs
If your appliances malfunction, produce unusual noises or heat up more than usual, you should take them for repairs to professional Durham NC electricians as soon as possible. Using a faulty appliance is like a game of Russian roulette, you never know when it will blow up in your safe. It is better to be safe than sorry. Do not use any appliance with damaged cords and exposed wires. You will also save more money by getting repairs done before the problem gets worse.
Even if you don’t notice signs of an electrical malfunction, having a safety inspection is always a great idea. Call Miller and Miller electricians today!